Wednesday 30 November 2016

Preliminary Task Evaluation

To start the preliminary task you had to create a shot-list where we track the types of shots already filmed. This is an effective way to plan  a production because it shows you already thought about what  you are going to film, it generally is productive due to the fact it doesn't keep you wondering on what was filmed or wasn't film. My shot-list was effective because it kept the work flow going and didnt make me try and find out what shots were missing from my final production. The other work for the pre-production was to complete a story-board sheet of paper.  The is where you visually show the things you will film which may contain the setting, costume,camera movements and even transitions. The written side of it is that you add bullet points regarding what the dialogue is, the soundtrack playing or even text on screen. The story board for my preliminary production was very useful as it allowed me to have a rough visual overview on how the final production would look like, how effective it is and its effect. Final part of pre-production needed for anything that requires acting, its the script piece of work. The script is crucial for this production because it contains acting and speaking in role and the script establishes what the actors do or say.The script for my pre-production was successful due to fact all the actors including myself knew what was going to happen abnd when to happen, including what is the right moment for the actors to speak. It generally keeps things organised.

One of the main things that was very good from this production is the way the audio wasn't affected by the out door filming, this is due to the placement of the microphone me and group member decided to do. Usually outside when filming you hear lots of distorted sounds especially ones when the wind hits the microphone. The non-diegetic sound was also successful because of the was it gave a professional feel to the clip, the soundtrack collaborated very well with the image itself. The effects of the soundtrack was also a strength as it sets the mood and give a parallel concept to the clip. The mise-en-scene was quite successful as well because of the unique setting it was shot in, so are the facial expressions which made it look believable for the audience. When editing another aspect that contributed to the final touches of the production is the slight speed-up clip when the protagonist gets kidnapped. finally some of the performances were convincing in the matter it felt real and was rehearsed, although not all characters.

The weakness could of easily been prevented as they are minor mistakes in the overall production. One weakness is the poor performance by the person who played the 'messenger' as his acting wasn't as convincing as the other characters which put the performance level off balance. the other error was the some sort poor camera work when some areas of the production was out of focus and that could of easily been prevented if it was practised more.

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